Monday, October 13, 2008


Brookelyn got tagged in a game of "Kiddo Tag". What a fun thing! Once you're tagged, you're are supposed to tell 5 things about that person that others may not have known.

Here we go my first attempt of this game of tag!

5 things you may not know about Brookelyn:

Brookelyn is a peacebuilder!One of the goals at our elementary school is for the kids to be peacebuilders. Brookelyn is definately the peacebuilder at our house! She always tries to make sure everyone is happy and seems to know how to do it. She makes our home a happier place!

Brookelyn gets it! Most kids don't quit get it that if they will do their homework or their practicing when it is time then it is done and they don't have to worry about it any more. Brookelyn is good at this. She comes home from school most Mondays and gets her homework done for the week. I obviously love it! We then don't have to worry about homework the rest of the week. What a great attribute!

Brookelyn is a good friend! She is very social and loves her friends. She is always able to make new friends and be a good friend. I never have to worry about her finding friends each year when her classes change. She also has the ability to choose good friends who bring out the best in her!

Brookelyn loves animals! I think she has every stuffed animal there is too have and would have the real life once if it where an option. One day she loves koala bears, then frogs, then pumas? Lately she is loving the new puppy that is part of our family. She has been a great help with the puppy and loves to play with him.

Brookelyn will try anything! Brookelyn is willing to try anything new. Sometimes she can be a little scared, but is usually willing. She has tried her hand at dance, softball, violin, waterskiing and now cheerleading. She went to a college volleyball game the other night and is ready to try her hand at that. She is always willing to learn something new!

Sorry I am new at this blogging thing, so not too many to tag, but here goes.

I tag!
Macey R.
Isaac G.

1 comment:

Travis & Steff said...

I was so excited to see something new from you! We all have been waiting a LONG TIME :) It's such a great way to keep in touch.