Thursday, March 12, 2009

Panama - Part 5

For the last part of our adventure we left from Bouquette and took a 3 hour van ride to Bocas del Toro. Bocas is a very popular surf town with great surf waves. I have to say I kind of like the cross country drives to see how people really live. There had been a storm last November that had washed out some of the roads and hillsides which made the ride even more exciting. We made it to Bocas early evening. Part of getting to Bocas required a water taxi which was another experiences in itself. The people obviously knew we were tourist and were trying to take us for all we had, we were happy to get on the boat and get out of that area. Once on the boat I got to sit next to a little Panamanian man who was very tired and chose to use me for his pillow. I could not stop laughing, which kept waking him up, but he would quickly fall back to sleep with his head on my shoulder. Funny!

Once we made it to our resort, we felt a little more comfortable as people could actually speak some English. Yea! Apparently the storm washed out their dock too and we weren't supposed to arrive via water taxi, (hence the caution tape in the photo), but oh well. We spent the rest of the day enjoying the pool, playing a little volleyball and enjoying dinner for Brooke's birthday. The next day we scheduled a tour to see dolphins, go snorkeling and visit red frog beach. It was a great day we enjoyed some relaxation and play in the sunshine! It is such a beautiful area, with little islands everywhere! I would love to come back some day and try my hand at surfing! The 19th we had to take another little plane back to Panama City to catch our flight home the next day. We had a great trip and certainly saw a lot of the country. Everything went as plan and I think all the first time world travelers had a good experiences (my kids included). My best memories were spending the day on the island in San Blas. What an eye opening experience as to the role these missionaries have in keeping the church running throughout the world. WOW! And,how grateful I am that I don't have to spend my day finding food and water for my families next meal. What a life these people live (although some days is sounds nice to simplify our crazy lifes a bit).